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Secrétariat de la Commission Nationale de Coordination, Élaboration et…
http://www.cnrdh.gov.tn/Comité général du contrôle des dépenses publiques
http://cgdp.pm.gov.tnGeneral authority of public-private partnership
http://www.igppp.tn/frHigh Authority for Public Procurement
http://www.marchespublics.gov.tn/• Unit of management by objectives relating to negotiations between Tunisia and…
http://www.aleca.tnCentral Office Of Relations with Citizens
https://www.e-people.gov.tnDirection générale de la privatisation
http://privatisation.pm.gov.tnCabinet du mufti
http://diwanalifta.pm.gov.tn/arPlateforme Nationale des Données Ouvertes
https://data.gov.tn/ar/Open Government Partnership